Cycle lane

Technical Datasheet


OptimaSoil proposes the creation of a cycle lane based on a sustainable design, by stabilising and improving the available materials, improving their characteristics and exponentially increasing their useful life. This reduces maintenance costs due to wear and tear.


Synthetic binders are additives for improving the mechanical characteristics of a material, providing cohesion between soil particles. Its use is recommended in soil stabilization and for sealing treatments of the surface layer. They allow to obtain a greater number of links, bringing additional advantages to the result the end of the execution.

They have the capacity to improve traditional stabilization solutions, maintaining sustainability and being environmentally friendly.


  1. The treated soil acquires improved characteristics
  2. The soil will look natural after application.
  3. The solution generates a conglomerating effect between the soil particles and waterproofing, increasing the hardness and durability of the ecological pavement.
  4. Resistance to erosion due to rolling wear.
  5. Reduces dust emissions.